
San Juan Capistrano : ‘Bible Answer Man’ Suffered Heart Attack

Baptist minister Walter Martin, known to radio listeners as “The Bible Answer Man,” died after suffering a heart attack, according to Hendrik Hanegraaff, chief executive officer of the Christian Research Institute.

Martin, 60, died at his San Juan Capistrano home Monday morning. A coroner’s report revealed that the heart attack was brought on by a blockage of his right coronary artery, which delivers blood to the heart.

Martin was the founder and director of the institute, a nonprofit think tank in Irvine that publishes religious material and produces “The Bible Answer Man,” broadcast weekday afternoons in more than 100 U.S. markets, including local KKLA (99.5 FM).


A public memorial service for Martin is scheduled at 7 p.m. Thursday at Capistrano Valley Church in San Juan Capistrano.
