
HUD Investigation

The current investigation into the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s abuses in various government housing programs points out the need for government agencies in our Southern California areas to understand and adhere to the concept of programs that were originally designed to create affordable housing for the poor.

A redevelopment-designated area should be concerned with such requirements, and the construction of homes to be valued at half a million dollars each, in Seal Beach, with no portion of the project used for low-income housing, is a travesty of justice.

The misuse of windfall funds from areas designated as needing “redevelopment” by cities and counties could well be the subject of the next investigation into the abuses and fraud involving the use of these funds.


Seal Beach officials and residents may complacently take credit for their efforts to provide for some recreational areas included in the proposed building-project package in a redevelopment area. But the lack of provision for any low-income housing in this program points up the insensitivity to the original concept regarding the use of redevelopment funds.

A step in the right direction would be the immediate action by the Seal Beach Redevelopment Agency to ask for proposals for the construction of a low- and moderate-income housing project within the city area.


Seal Beach
