
SHOCK : Man’s Anger Over Brutal Sexual Attack in Inglewood Turns Into Help for Survivors

Times Staff Writer

Marvin Feldman says that when he heard the radio news report, he felt “like someone had hit me in the stomach.”

A man had broken into a home near Hollywood Park race track in Inglewood, raped two women and a girl, then shot each several times as they lay bound on the floor. A 19-year-old victim died, but her 32-year-old house mate and the older woman’s daughter, 14, survived.

Feldman, a Van Nuys public relations consultant, did not know any of the victims, but he had a chance meeting with a friend of the murdered woman a few days after the June 3 attack and decided: “Let’s do something.”


The result was formation of a group called Help Each Life Please, which so far has collected $4,500 in donations for the mother and daughter and for the dead woman’s two orphaned children.

HELP has also recruited a doctor, Santa Monica ophthalmologist Marshall J. Keyes, who will donate his services to help the teen-ager, who lost an eye in the attack.

A suspect, J. C. Metoyer, 19, was arrested in the Crenshaw District a week after the attack. The reputed gang member is scheduled to face a preliminary hearing next Friday in Los Angeles Municipal Court on 11 felony charges, including murder.


“Every now and then I just sit and think, ‘Why?’ ” the surviving mother said in a telephone interview. “I think, “Why me and why my daughter?’ ” She is living with her four children at a friend’s house in South-Central Los Angeles.

Wells Fargo Bank at 400 S. Market St. in Inglewood is collecting the donations.
