
Tremor Judged to Be Whittier Aftershock

A small tremor, believed to be an aftershock of the October 1, 1987, Whittier Narrows earthquake, shook Whittier and the surrounding area Wednesday. There were no reports of injury or damage, authorities said.

The quake, centered directly under the city, occurred at 10:15 a.m. and registered 2.1 on the Richter scale, said Robert Finn, a spokesman for the California Institute of Technology’s seismology lab in Pasadena.

“It’s possible to have aftershocks years after an earthquake,” Finn said. “Whittier has had several hundred aftershocks (since the October earthquake), which is actually a small amount.” Often, a large earthquake can result in thousands of aftershocks, he said.


The 5.9 Whittier temblor in 1987 devastated dozens of buildings in the historical Uptown area.
