
Thatcher Phones Higgins’ Wife

From Associated Press

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher telephoned the wife of Marine Lt. Col. William R. Higgins and lauded her for “strength and courage,” a Pentagon spokeswoman said Thursday.

Maj. Kathy Wood, an Army spokeswoman, said Thatcher called Robin Higgins on Wednesday morning.

“She just wanted Robin to know that she is in constant contact with President Bush and that if there is anything they can do, they will. She also said she admired Robin’s strength and courage in this crisis,” Wood added.


The spokeswoman described Robin Higgins as “touched that the prime minister would call her” to express her concern.

A Shiite Muslim group said it killed Higgins on Monday because of Israel’s refusal to release a Shiite Muslim clergyman it kidnaped last week.

Wood said Robin Higgins also went to New York on Wednesday evening to meet with U.N. Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar. Lt. Col. Higgins was part of a U.N. observer force in Lebanon when he was kidnaped in February, 1988.
