

Binding arbitration for firefighters will be considered by the state Legislature later this month--a measure, that if approved, would permit outside arbitrators to make decisions which, in the past, have been reserved for local elected officials.

Passage of Senate Bill 1127 would allow an arbitrator to decide on firefighters’ salaries, benefits and working conditions and would destroy the collective bargaining process by which Anaheim and its firefighters have successfully resolved their differences since 1966.

Under a system which includes binding arbitration, the city and the firefighters’ union could no longer negotiate and compromise in good faith, but rather posture themselves for the ultimate binding arbitration hearing. Binding arbitration would discourage the development of long-term relationships based on mutual trust and good will.


We urge state legislators to let cities and firefighters associations continue to work collectively on issues that can be resolved by the parties themselves. The local taxpayers should be able to decide their own priorities and budget without outside interference.


City Manager

