
San Fernando Votes to Impose Police Contract

The San Fernando City Council has voted to impose a new contract on the San Fernando Police Officers Assn. and reject the union’s attempt to turn over discipline and grievance problems to an outside arbitrator.

The procedures were the only sticking point in negotiations for a new contract between the city and the 30-member association. The union’s previous contract expired in June.

City officials and the union agreed on most issues in a tentative contract--including a 13.65% increase in wages and benefits over the next two years. However, city officials rejected a union demand for an independent arbitrator to rule on discipline and grievance problems.


Present grievance procedures give the City Council final authority over disciplinary issues involving police officers.

The council’s 3-2 vote late Monday imposed a one-year contract with an 8.97% increase in wages and benefits. State law gives cities the right to impose one-year contracts in negotiations with public employees.

Chief union negotiator Robert Krause said the union would take “political action” to influence the three council members who voted against the police association proposal. He declined to be more specific.


Council members Doude Wysbeek, Jess Margarito and Evelio Franco voted against the proposal.
