
The State of HUD and Its Programs

We read with interest the article on the recent Federal Audit Inspection that was done by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on Orange County’s Housing and Community Development Program.

Colonia Independencia (West Anaheim), one of the oldest unincorporated neighborhoods in Orange County, has greatly benefited from the programs HCD has funded. Over the past 15 years our community has seen many improvements that have consisted of the installation of sidewalks, affordable housing, rehabilitation of older houses, street lights and a chain link fence parallel to the railroad track providing safety for the children walking to school.

We also had a new community center built that provides many programs for the low- and moderate-income people of the area.


We greatly support the Orange County HCD office and its staff for the many years of service to the community and the people.


Chairman of HCD Committee

Colonia Independencia

