
Native American Exhibits in L.A.

I was pleased to see your editorial recognition of the joining of the Heye Foundation collection with the Smithsonian. This event is most significant in properly caring for an important part of the collected material culture of our Native American heritage.

We are fortunate here in Los Angeles to have in our midst another of the great collections of American Indian art, artifacts and culture. Since 1907, the Southwest Museum has been privileged to care for a magnificent collection which now numbers over 200,000 artifacts; some 150,000 photographic images; 50,000 books; countless original manuscripts and ephemera; and a sound archive which includes 700 original recordings of native music of the Southwest made early in this century.

We may show a little envy at the Heye Foundation’s good fortune, but beyond that, we sincerely wish them well. Here at the Southwest Museum we will continue with our responsibility toward the other great collection of Native Americana--to preserve it for generations to come, so that all people may be educated and enriched.



Executive Director

Southwest Museum

Los Angeles
