
Long Beach : Hospital Corporation Chief Resigns After 3 Years

Citing “personal and career reasons,” Stephen Ummel has resigned as president and chief executive officer of Memorial Health Services, the corporation that owns Long Beach Memorial Medical Center and other facilities, after three years at that post. “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from my association with Memorial,” Ummel said in an interview, “but it appeared an opportune time for both parties to reach this agreement.”

Among major accomplishments during his tenure, Ummel said, were the improvement of computer technology, the development of basic “core” values for operation of the hospital and important strategic planning for its future.

While declining to divulge specific plans, Ummel said he was exploring several “exciting career opportunities” locally and out of state. “I’m confident that I’m leaving Memorial stronger and more resilient than when I assumed this position,” he said.


No plans have been made to find a permanent replacement, according to hospital spokesman Ron Yukelson. “Institutionally, we all wish him well in his future career and endeavors,” Yukelson said of Ummel, whose departure was announced Wednesday, a day after it became effective.
