
Nine Jail Visitors Become ‘Guests’

A trip to visit relatives and friends at Biscailuz Center Jail in East Los Angeles turned out to be a one-way trip for nine visitors Saturday when a random search by authorities uncovered various weapons and drugs in their possession.

Those arrested were among 131 visitors who were searched during a six-hour period. Trained dogs were used to check their vehicles for narcotics while officers frisked passengers.

Searches of visitors and their vehicles are conducted randomly at jails throughout Los Angeles County in an effort to deter visitors from furnishing contraband to prisoners, said Sheriff’s Department spokesman Dean Scoville. He added that signs posted on jail premises state that visitors are subject to such searches.


Five men and four women were arrested on various narcotics and weapons charges, including possession of brass knuckles and an 8-inch survival knife. Most of the drugs were in small amounts. One of the men was arrested for violating his parole, which requires that he not visit jail facilities, Scoville said.
