
Survey on Polling

Did someone slip up? As I read through this morning’s (Dec.13) Times, I became aware that no poll or survey results cluttered its pages. Sometimes I think if I see one more Times Poll, I will scream. You people take a poll about everything! How about polling people on their feelings about public opinion polls?

1. Do you believe polls are accurate?

2. Do you believe the wording of a question can influence the response so that a pollster can obtain any results desired?

3. Are you tired of The Times--and other media--polls?

4. Do you believe poll results are used as a means of swaying public opinion?

A simple yes or no will suffice; none of the usual gobbledygook included in polls (i.e.: age, race, education, religion, occupation, political affiliation, marital status, income level, number of children/cars/pets, color of eyes and hair) is required.


By the way, my answers to the above questions--I’ve never been polled about anything--are no, yes, yes, and yes, respectively. If you think this was a waste of time, you get the point.


Garden Grove
