
Stuntman Was One of the Best, Actor Tells Jury

Danny Glover, star of “Lethal Weapon,” testified Wednesday that stuntman Dar Robinson, who bled to death during the filming of a movie in 1986, was “one of the world’s greatest stuntmen.”

Glover’s testimony came during the fourth week of a trial in Los Angeles Superior Court in which Robinson’s widow is suing three movie production companies for damages in connection with the stuntman’s death.

Robinson died in November, 1986, while making the movie “Million Dollar Mystery.” During a stunt, his motorcycle sped off a roadway and crashed. The suit against DeLaurentis Entertainment Group, DeLaurentis Film Productions and Productions Limited of Beverly Hills contends the producers were negligent because no ambulance was at the location site in Page, Ariz., 65 miles from the nearest hospital.


Glover’s testimony was aimed at showing that had Robinson lived, he potentially would have earned millions.
