
Yes on Measure D Advocated in San Juan

On April 10, we voters of San Juan Capistrano will face a challenge and an opportunity. This is Measure D, the bond issue to purchase 140 acres of open space.

Since this is a small election, some folks may not vote--”I’m too busy,” “My vote won’t be missed because Measure D is sure to pass anyway.” Don’t you believe it! Every vote is needed; Measure D requires two-thirds approval. It merits everyone’s support.

After D is approved and implemented, the city will be able to acquire 140 acres of land for passive open space, playing fields, a social center and agricultural preservation. This will become a centerpiece for our community, an everlasting statement expressing our ideals and aspirations for this lovely, unique city. It will be a priceless heritage to our children for which future generations will bless us.


Yes, there will be some costs--about 4 cents per $100 of assessed property evaluation since general obligation bonds become “an extra tax” against real property. I think the cost is relatively modest when compared to the benefits. I expect to profit from Measure D because I believe this open-space program will increase the value of my residence more than the additional tax.

On the flip side, should Measure D fail, the development of these lands for high-density residential-commercial uses will cost each of us money for increased police services, massive traffic congestion, and all the other financial and social burdens of intense urbanization. Either way, there is an unavoidable cost. I believe that Measure D--the bond issue to purchase the land for open space--is far more desirable and less expensive in the long run. It makes good sense for everyone.


San Juan Capistrano
