

<i> From Times wire services</i>

Cartoon king Walter Lantz, the creator of the impish Woody Woodpecker, begins his 90th birthday celebration today at Universal Studios Florida in Orlando. The celebration, which also marks Woody’s 50th anniversary, includes the dedication of Lantz’ star on Universal’s Walk of Fame--a franchised duplication of the Hollywood walk. . . . GMT Studios in Culver City is getting more than 100 inquiries a day on its open casting call for the starring role of James Dean in “James Dean . . . The Legend,” which begins shooting this summer. To be considered for the role, the actor must be early to mid-20s, about 5 feet 8 inches tall, 140-150 pounds, possess a striking resemblance to James Dean and show up dressed in character. When asked what he expects to see at the May 5 casting call, a studio spokesman replied: “Red jackets, white T-shirts and jeans galore.”
