
Krauthammer on Censorship and Cincinnati Art Exhibit

Krauthammer takes the art of being disingenuous to new heights. The issue is not public display, for the museum in Cincinnati is not allowing anyone underage into the exhibit. They also warn people of the content of the most controversial photos. So we have adults who want to see something being told they don’t have the right to do so.

The justification Krauthammer puts forth is a very dangerous one. All dictators have used it. It could be used to ban almost any book, play, painting or movie. After all, aren’t libraries “public places” with books on shelves “on display.” And aren’t movie theaters public places as well? Many great films could be banned for profanity, nudity, sexual content, or other offensive material.

When a once intelligent commentator like Krauthammer joins forces with the likes of the Rev. Donald Wildmon (who brands “The Wonder Years” anti-Christian, anti-family) we are all threatened.



San Diego
