
Relocating UCLA Lab School

If John Anderson wants to make an enduring gift to the business community of California, he will take steps to ensure that his impressive new graduate school of management building at UCLA does not elbow the venerable laboratory elementary school off campus.

Unfortunately, the lab school is the only one we have in this state. It moved on the UCLA campus for protection from the politics of the public school system which threatened it. We should support this valuable resource on campus, not move it where controversy will soon destroy its programs. Far better for UCLA to show its dedication to supporting quality in education by keeping the lab school on campus than by farming it out to the politically volatile community of Ocean Park.

Yes, our educational solutions should be taken on test runs in a wide range of public schools, but only after they have been formed in the total freedom that the UCLA campus provides. Controversy surrounds moving UES off campus because we need to care about both business and education.



Santa Monica
