
Dealing With Oil Tanker Accidents in Coastal Waters

With the recent oil tanker accident in the Gulf of Mexico, now would be a good time for our elected officials to do some planning for the future.

Oil tankers are a necessary evil and disliked even by many in the oil business. And what is the quickest way to drastically increase tanker traffic along California shores? Eliminating offshore oil drilling would probably be the fastest way to bring more tankers into the area.

A responsible politician would know that California uses more oil than any other country in the world except the United States and the Soviet Union. And logically, the more we can produce the less we need to import into the state. And there is only one way to import oil into California--tankers.


Today it would be difficult for a politician in this state to stand up and say that we need to encourage offshore drilling. It is much easier to bend and sway with the wishes of every little interest group that comes along.

We need to encourage offshore drilling. Do we have enough responsible leaders to make this difficult decision for the future? I think we do.


