
Consider Needs of All Students

As a Manhattan Beach resident since 1947 and having had two girls complete their education in this area, I have seen school issues change from year to year. However, the one issue which keeps reoccurring is school unification. The one priority many seem to overlook is: What is best for all children, not just mine.

A full unification would be more beneficial to all children because of a more consistent program and better articulation between schools, staff and support staff in the K-12 years. Plus, there is the opportunity and more availability of a proven Adult School Parent Education program involving parents and children from prenatal to 5-year-olds. It is one of the better preventive programs offered anywhere.

The cost-effectiveness of unification in regard to purchasing, maintenance, salaries, administrative costs and duplication of services is a big factor. All of these would enable the district to offer educational opportunities and extracurricular activities not now available to all children. The neighborhood school . . . walking distance . . . can be maintained with possible inter-school transfers available.


The bottom line is: Let’s think of the positive aspects for 10,000 children who are indeed our future.


Manhattan Beach

retired founder, Parent Education Program South Bay Adult School
