
Controversy Over Flag Amendment

Now let’s see if I have this right. On the one hand President Bush is making a big push to protect the flag from “desecration” and on the other he is going to veto a bill that would protect workers from losing their jobs if they had to take time off because of a personal emergency. It seems to me that what he is telling us is that he is more interested in protecting a piece of cloth than he is in protecting citizens from financial ruin. He sure is a “kinder gentler guy.”

It’s probably fitting that he used the Iwo Jima flag-raising statue as a backdrop for his demagogic pitch to make the world safer for flags because, as many people know, that famous photograph that the statue was modeled from, was as disingenuous as he is. It wasn’t made in battle, it was just a photo-op that was posed the day after Mount Suribachi was secured.


