
Economic Summit in Houston

The gloves have come off; the green mantle has been shed; the happy mask is lowered. President Bush stands before us exposed in all of his arrogance.

Last week, at the close of the Houston summit, President Bush held a press conference. The final question asked the President to respond to those in the environmental community critical of his “back-room deals” on global warming and other significant concerns.

President Bush’s response was clear and unmistakable. He said, “I did not rely on environmentalists in my election and they will not determine policy in this Administration.”


This is your wake-up call, environmentalists! If we are to be effective in our efforts to change the self-destructive course of our society, we must organize politically. Toward that end, Greens in California are creating a Green Party to be the political vehicle of “wide-angle environmentalism.”

Policies will only change when politicians take the people’s concerns seriously. We will not be dismissed and ignored by either dominant party.

A rallying cry from the past is being recycled--”If you don’t like the current political parties, go out and make one of your own!”



El Cajon
