
Radiation From Nuclear Plant

Your story on the “downwinders” who were exposed to large amounts of radiation from the Hanford Nuclear plant in Washington was alarming (“How Dare They! Atom Critics Cry,” Part A, July 14). Not because of the government information recently released, but because of the prevailing sheep-like attitude that the residents have toward the facility and its effects.

For years, environmental and nuclear experts have warned the local residents of the impending problems caused by the Hanford plant, including the radioactive debris released into the air and waste water dumped into the river. But most of the people chose to ignore the information.

Even now, when our government openly admits that the release of nuclear material was greater than any other accident in world history, some continue to deny the facts. So, if the people of Hanford want to die for their precious nuclear jobs, so be it. It’s going to be hard for me to shed a tear for people who chose to support an industry which creates the material for weapons of mass destruction.


If I sound heartless about all this, or if it appears that I am not concerned about keeping rural people employed, I’m sorry. I am very concerned about the innocent people who have been, and will be, affected by Hanford. The children of Hanford who have had to drink the water, eat the food and breathe the air are all victims of their parents’ ignorance and denial as they watched their relatives and neighbors develop cancer and other radiation illnesses due to radiation.

But it’s time to move forward and learn from all this. I strongly believe that the world should focus attention on the Hanford accidents, as well as the attitude of the Hanford community.

As we count the deaths and serious illnesses attributed to this man-made disaster, maybe the people throughout our country will learn an important lesson about the disastrous consequences of nuclear power and begin to oppose it and demand a better alternatives, which are now available.



Santa Ana
