
Anger Over Malathion Spraying

Thank you for The Times’ continuing coverage of the malathion spraying issue in our neighborhoods and the concern for public health. As a resident of Echo Park for six years, I have been through many rounds of Medfly spraying.

Local news reported that the city had presented insufficient evidence to warrant the cancellation of the spraying. The news also reported that the judge who ruled in favor of the state asked that samples be gathered on July 12, 1990, to be submitted to the court for reevaluation. At 9:00 p.m. that night, the spraying began and I watched while the helicopters flew over downtown and Echo Park. In the past, the spraying over my apartment building has involved numerous and repeated passes by the helicopters, often taking as long as 30 minutes in one small area. I was surprised that night, however, that the helicopters passed one time only over my house. With this in mind, I am concerned that the information based on the samples submitted to the court would be misleading and a misrepresentation that would possibly damage the credibility of the city’s and individual claims against the malathion applications ordered by the State of California.

Although the toxic-substances testing measures parts per thousand, it would seem that this inconsistency in application during a period ordered by the court would allow for a greater chance of inconclusive sampling data--and this means more spraying.



Los Angeles
