
Some Find Idea of Bumper Cars at Mall Too Jolting

Some malls feature tuxedo-clad musicians tickling the ivories. Others offer elaborate sand sculptures.

The Indian Hill Mall in Pomona has another idea.

Bumper cars.

But a proposal to add this recreational attraction to the mall’s present line-up--budget theater, swap meet, stores and offices--drew a cool reaction from some City Council members this week.

“I think Pomona can do better than bumper cars,” said Councilwoman Nell Soto. Councilman Mark A. T. Nymeyer said the mall’s owners should undertake a marketing study before altering the shopping center, on Holt Avenue at Indian Hill Boulevard.


However, Mayor Donna Smith, who solicited the council’s reaction to bumper cars at the mall manager’s request, seemed intrigued. “This could very well be the shot in the arm that both Pomona and the mall need,” she said.

Smith said the mall might need a special zoning permit to operate bumper cars. David Weissman, mall manager, said he could not comment until he has a chance to consult with the mall owners.
