
PLATFORM : No Free Fares


(I don’t think there will) be a lot of free riders. I think the only places you’ll find that will be affected will be the long-distance lines, where you have the long headways. But most of the city lines are geared to 6-to-10-minute (trips), and I don’t think you’re going to have many (schedule delays) there.

Even if a bus breaks down, you still are going to be within that 12-to-14 minute interval. Most major lines run a very good schedule.

I think the idea is good, and it might make people feel a little better about (riding the bus), but I think most people--especially working people--they are not concerned with saving money (in this particular area). They’re just concerned with getting where they want to go on time. I don’t foresee (free fares), although I see a bunch of youngsters in certain areas who will try it for a while just to keep from paying the fare.
