Gun Laws and Violent Crime
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Regarding your editorial asking for more gun control (“Swimming in Handguns,” Sept. 11), it would seem that once again emotionalism is being campaigned over fact and common sense.
To put handguns in the hands of unsupervised minors is already a crime. It is also against the law to sell or make guns available to minors. In fact, every aspect of firearms ownership and use is fairly well covered by an overabundance of federal, state, county and municipal laws. Since we don’t seem to be doing too good a job of enforcing the laws we already have, do you seriously think legislating more gun laws will curb violent crime, or is someone just trying to divert the blame somewhere else?
Gun control certainly hasn’t worked in New York City where it is almost impossible to legally own a handgun. It hasn’t worked in Washington where no one can legally own any gun. And it hasn’t worked in Los Angeles even though last year we banned the sale and possession of the so-called “guns of choice” of criminals. The truth is, violent crime seems to increase proportionately in those cities with the strictest gun control.
If we truly want to stop violence, let’s start by enforcing the laws we already have. Also, let’s not make a mockery of the arrest and investigation by allowing plea bargains and early parole. If you use a gun in the commission of a crime, you should go to jail. Period.
And if we want to tackle the “culture of the handgun,” then we should ask the entertainment industry why it continually glamorizes crime and violence. And please don’t forget to ask the people making profits from TV shows why they are the first to cry about senseless violence when it gets close to their homes. The answer may be more obvious than we think.
National Rifle Assn.
Field Representative
Simi Valley