
GULF WATCH: Day 56 : A Daily Briefing Paper On Developments In The Crisis

Diplomatic Front:

Representatives of some of the 20 American allies meeting in Washington raised new questions concerning the U.S. campaign to collect billions for the gulf crisis, one asking if the new goal of $14.5 billion overstates the need. Saudi officials questioned whether Jordan should get aid.

In Iraq, officials demanded a list of non-diplomats taking refuge in the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and threatened to hang Americans found there. Military Front:

U.S. Marines at the “tip of the spear” defending Saudi oil fields were told by their boss, Gen. Alfred Gray, to expect long desert stay, and not to complain or question it. Trade Front:


The first test of new U.N. air embargo came as three Iraqi planes touched down in Jordan, but Jordan later said it would halt all flights to and from Iraq. The U.N. resolution says that all planes traveling to and from Iraq should be checked. Crisis Indicators:

Energy prices:

Wholesale crude oil, $38.67 per barrel, up 1.14

Wholesale gasoline, $1.001 per gallon, down .00195

Retail gasoline, $127.2 per gallon, up .02
