
Laguna High Renovations Under Way

Laguna Beach High School’s $7.2-million face lift, which will include a new swimming pool complex and new classroom buildings, is expected to be completed sometime next year.

Built in the mid-1930s, the high school has long been in need of basic repairs, more classrooms and upgraded facilities. Planning to upgrade the high school to accommodate about 1,000 more students began three years ago.

The architectural plans include a $1.2-million swimming pool, two new buildings at a cost of $1.6 million, and a $656,000 renovation of the school’s theater. Workers will also landscape and repave, improve the cafeteria and media services center and install new fencing and stairways.


Because the pool complex and theater renovation will cost $456,000 more than expected, the classroom buildings planned for three stories will be scaled down to two, according to the architect.

At a recent school board meeting, some audience members criticized the project as too elaborate. Others said it would obscure the ocean views of neighbors.
