
Long Beach : Small Street in Park Will Bear Deukmejian’s Name

The Long Beach City Council voted Tuesday to name a small street in Recreation Park after one of its most famous hometown products--Gov. George Deukmejian.

The motion was made by freshman Councilman Doug Drummond and passed over the lone dissent of Councilman Ray Grabinski, who said he suspects the town would rather see Deukmejian pass quietly into history.

“For the life of me, I resent like heck having a street named after him. In fact, I think the city would like to forget this man,” Grabinski said.


The only public comment came from Ann Morgan, who said Deukmejian had succeeded in taking money from public schools and the poor. “I’m a registered Republican and I fail to see what Deukmejian has done for Long Beach or for its people,” Morgan said.

The motion passed without further discussion. The private street had been unnamed.
