
GULF WATCH: Day 77 : A Daily Briefing Paper On Developments In The Crisis

Diplomatic Front:

U.N. Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar said that military action against Iraq would be legitimate if sanctions fail and the Security Council approved. Meantime, representatives of the five permanent Security Council members worked on a resolution addressing Iraq’s actions in Kuwait, including proposals to hold Baghdad responsible for the care of foreigners and payment of damages. Military Front:

Secretary of State James A. Baker III told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the Bush Administration must be free to attack Iraq without getting specific approval from Capitol Hill.

Shortages of spare parts and Saudi-imposed restrictions have prevented the United States from beginning critical tank maneuvers in the Saudi desert, Army officials said. Although the problems are being addressed, it could be several weeks before the 24th Mechanized Infantry Division can begin the exercises. The Iraqi Military Machine:


Total Iraqi forces: 1,035,000

Iraqi forces in/near Kuwait: 430,000

Total Iraqi tanks: 5,500

Iraqi tanks in/near Kuwait: 4,800

Total Iraqi artillery pieces: 3,500

Artillery pieces in/near Kuwait: 2,450

Multiple rocket launchers: 200

Surface-to-surface missiles: 500

Surface-to-air missile launchers: 330+

Combat aircraft: 500+

Warships: 15
