
A Startling Statement

Re “Clinic Founder Accused of Bogus Billing” (Oct. 10): The state attorney general’s efforts to police fraudulent medical practices are long overdue. As stated in the article, the Orange County Medical Assn. is also one of the complainants in the case involved.

What I do not understand is the irresponsible statement attributed to investigator Kathy Schmidt that “on every street corner, there are little mini-Lehman Medical clinics trying to do the same thing.”

If this were the case, then I believe the attorney general has been grossly negligent in having failed to pursue such cases. If the statement is based on nothing more than Schmidt’s suspicion, then The Times is equally negligent in allowing such an inflammatory statement to be quoted unchallenged.


Most of us in the medical profession are just as concerned with any type of unethical practice in our midst. We are pained to see our courts repeatedly restore medical licenses the medical board has sought to revoke. Doctor bashing is easy, responsible journalism is not.

DR. JOHN T. CHIU, Anaheim
