
COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS : Ground Squirrels to Be Removed

Los Angeles County health officials have ordered College of the Canyons to eliminate a large number of flea-infested ground squirrels on its campus.

In September, a routine inspection and a series of tests by the health department’s Vectorborne Disease Surveillance Program found that many of the squirrels carry fleas with the potential to transmit certain diseases, including sylvatic plague, officials of the Valencia campus said.

Sylvatic plague, when transmitted to humans through flea bites, can cause enlargement of lymph glands near the bite, followed by chills and fever.


Campus officials have contacted county agricultural officials for help, said Cal Allsup, campus director of facilities. They have suggested a plan that includes dusting the animals to cut down the number of fleas per squirrel, and then setting out a poisoned bait, known as Blue Oats, to kill them.

If approved by the Santa Clarita Community College Board of Trustees, that process will begin later this month. It could cost up to $5,000 and would take about 10 days, officials said.

Michael Daly, environmental chairman for a student government committee, said he initially opposed killing the squirrels.


Daly said he will suggest alternate methods to trustees.

If COC were not to comply with the Health Department’s request, the college could be prosecuted for violation of the state health code.
