
Rescuers Sued

In response to “Some Hero’s Welcome: Rescuer Sued” (Metro, Nov. 2):

The article about the rescuers being sued by the person they rescued is quite upsetting but typical of today’s sue-happy mentality.

Here we have two men, one a Los Angeles police officer, Loran Dale Turner, and one an average citizen, Jim Campbell, who stop, put their lives in jeopardy by being on foot on the San Diego Freeway with the danger of being struck by an oblivious driver, and by being in a pool of gas gushing from the victims’ overturned car with the danger of an eminent fiery explosion. These were two men rising to the challenge who could have just as easily called the Fire Department or ignored the situation altogether. And what happens: They get sued because one of the persons whom they dragged from the car was struck by that oblivious driver while they were dragging out others.

It is unfortunate that the 17-year-old was injured in the second collision, but had the officer and good Samaritan not removed her from the car, she would have gone up in the fireball of that inevitable crash. And to suggest a flare pattern first before rescuing, or a flare pattern at all with all that gas, is naive at best. Please keep publicizing names of plaintiffs’ attorneys. It makes the public aware of who is really behind such despicable suits.


The girl would do better to send a thank you note than a summons.


South Pasadena
