
Gift Ideas Out of the Mouths of the Teens

Responses gathered by Janet Bester (Connelly), Dana Wilshin (Dana Hills), Eric Billigmeier (Esperanza), Sonal Kapadia (Irvine), Trisha Ginsburg (Los Alamitos), Ginny Chang (Santa Ana Valley) and Michael Chen (Valencia)

Though Hanukkah gift giving has ended, there remains just a little more than a weekend to get in last-minute Christmas shopping.

To help mothers and fathers with gift selection, Hot Topics asks, “What is the most popular gift--within economic reality--parents can give their teen-agers?”

“Freedom and trust; to respect their thoughts and let them go places with friends; just basically respecting their judgment.”


Heather Reed, 14, freshman, Los Alamitos

“A Nintendo because it develops hand-eye coordination.”

Tessa Goss, 16, sophomore, Connelly

“The gift of knowledge--educate the youth of the world about sexuality.”

Christian Corbo, 17, senior, Valencia

“Love, affection and attention.”

Bao Vo, 16, junior, Santa Ana Valley

“Earrings, socks, underwear or bras.”

Stacy West, 14, freshman, Dana Hills

“Either Chia-Pet or The Clapper, one or the other.”

Steve Chuck, 18, senior, Esperanza

“A nose job, but at a reasonable price.”

Sujata Mody, 17, senior, Irvine

“Parents can give them a secure home. It’s much easier to go through high school with a strong family, rather than receiving material items.”

Jennifer Heffner, 17, senior, Valencia

“A nice leather jacket would do just fine.”

Matt Tresaugue, 17, senior, Esperanza

“A lot of accessories that are tacky and loud, like my personality.”

Virginia Kim, 16, junior, Irvine

“A positive home life. Lots of times the way your parents treat you and the things they say really affect the way you act. Although most teen-agers would enjoy a new Porsche or something, in the long run a positive home life will do better things for you.”

Keri Bailey, 14, freshman, Valencia

“A car because it gives you freedom and the sense of responsibility.”

Rosy Davalos, 15, sophomore, Santa Ana Valley

“Encyclopedia Brittanica.”

Chris Reese, 16, junior, Dana Hills

“Probably clothes, because most everybody can use them, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money.”


Erika Waday, 17, senior, Esperanza

“A nice pair of skis.”

Amy Har, 15, sophomore, Irvine

“A motorized Big Wheel.”

Eric Jones, 16, junior, Dana Hills

“A CD player.”

Amy Moreau, 15, sophomore, Connelly

“It would have to be money, because you can spend it any way you want.”

Jannah Llewellyn, 15, sophomore, Esperanza

“A college education.”

Bret Davidson, 16, sophomore, Los Alamitos

“A computer.”

Charlene Exline, 17, senior, Santa Ana Valley

“The most popular gift a parent can give a teen-ager is the freedom to make his or her own choices.”

Kamyar Kashfi, 17, senior, Valencia

“An education.”

Denise Ching, 17, senior, Connelly

“I would want unique little things that I wasn’t expecting to get. I think it makes the holiday time more fun.”

Jill Llewellyn, 14, freshman, Esperanza

Next Week’s Hot Topic:

What do you predict will be the upcoming year’s biggest news story?
