
Russia’s Plea for Western Aid

Regarding “Yelstin Message: Send Aid or Face New Cold War.” (Feb. 3): I must commend his outright bluntness to our democratic, Western leaders.

Since communistic rule dominated much of Eastern Europe, blood has been shed and millions of lives lost to instill in the hearts and minds of every person in the world that democracy is the freest and saner form of government.

Who would have known that Russia would drastically cut its arms production and open its markets in just a few years? It is all becoming a reality because the desire to change is now a necessity if a country is to survive comfortably on its own.


Yeltsin and his followers will take care of Russia if the West, especially the United States, acts with a sense of urgency and proves to the world that we have really been on a mission to spread democracy. If this doesn’t happen, not only will we face a new Cold War but a spark will ignite more than a fire in our world.

