
Candidates Go On the Attack

Here are some of the sharp attacks the Democratic candidates have leveled at each other in recent days: Bob Kerrey

On Clinton’s position on the Gulf War: “He’s got more sides than a geodesic dome.”

On Tsongas: “He is working not only to support nuclear energy, but to make sure that nuclear energy continues on the same path it has been on in the past.” He is a “Washington lobbyist” and “corporate lawyer,” who has “made business ties at the environment’s expense.”

On Brown: “There isn’t a politician in this race that’s taken more special interest money in his lifetime than Jerry Brown.” Bill Clinton

On Kerrey: He is trying to divide the party on the issue of Vietnam “simply to win a political victory. I don’t know which Bob Kerrey to respond to. The Bob Kerrey who repeatedly told the people of New Hampshire that he did not want this issue discussed, or the Bob Kerrey who’s trying to (make) this an issue today.”


On Tsongas: “I’m tired of what is a cold-blooded (Tsongas economic program) being passed off as courage. . . . Give me a break.” Paul E. Tsongas

On Clinton: “For those candidates who don’t have a clear message, and no legs on which to stand, the temptation is to tear down the other candidate. Is Bill Clinton now our resident expert on courage?”

On Harkin: Responding to Harkin’s criticism of nuclear power: “There are nuclear power plants in Iowa; there’s no record of Harkin saying ‘boo’ to any nuclear power plant there.” Tom Harkin


On Kerrey: He voted “with the President” to get fast track negotiations under way on a free trade zone with Mexico. The choice between Harkin and Kerrey among Democrats “is easy.”

On Clinton: “Look at Arkansas--last in just about everything. Last in environmental policy. Last in workplace safety; next to last in early childhood education. This is the legacy of Reagan and those who buy into Reaganomics.”

On Brown’s flat tax: “That idea originated with the flat Earth society.” Jerry Brown

On Tsongas: He is “a corporatist running an essentially Republican campaign.”

On Clinton: As chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council, he served as “a corporate front for buying influence and access with incumbent senators and congressmen.” Also, “Arkansas under Gov. Clinton is an environmental disaster.”


On Kerrey and Harkin: You’ve given yourself a $40,000 pay raise in order to give up $30,000 in honoraria. Now you explain that one to me.”

Source: Times staff and wire reports
