
Need Seen to Recycle County Thinking About Safe Bicycle Commuter Routes

Regarding Ken Roth’s letter (Feb. 16) concerning bicycle safety: Mr. Roth is one more example of a county official who suffers from complete ineptitude on the subject of bicycling safety--and commuting, in particular.

Coast Highway cannot be compared to a residential street where cyclists “pedal their way between moving and parked cars.” The bike path that parallels Coast Highway isn’t for commuting, group rides or a cyclist out for a good workout. It’s for slow, slow riders. A 5-m.p.h. speed limit “when pedestrians are present” is posted along the bike path. It’s a path for surf enthusiasts and families going to the beach.

Roth’s attitude is a perfect example of the absurd and irresponsible concerning the use of a bicycle for viable transportation. I’m on my bike every day on Coast Highway on my 20-mile commute to work in Cerritos. I average 20 m.p.h. on this ride.


Will Huntington Beach be happy with my weaving through beach-goers on my way to and from the workplace? I think not. I’m not ready myself to contemplate the trauma of a diesel truck passing me in a three-foot bike lane. This while I’m encouraged to use my bike as an alternative means of transportation by those in government who claim to be concerned about the issues of too much smog and too many cars.

MARK DuBOURDIEU, Fountain Valley
