
SANTA PAULA : Airport Association Schedules Air Show

The Santa Paula Airport Assn. will hold its first air show since 1987 this summer, organizers said Wednesday.

Organizers predict that Airshow 92, planned July 25 and 26 at Santa Paula Airport, will draw more than 5,000 people. At least that many viewed the last airshow, co-chairman Walt Adair said.

Although the entire program has not been finalized, Adair said it will probably include aerobatic demonstrations, fly-bys of vintage airplanes, parachute-jumping and airplane rides.


Adair said organizers have not held the show for several years because “it’s just an awful lot of hard work to put one of those things on.”

Airshow 92 will benefit Santa Paula Memorial Hospital and the airport association.

Air show organizers are seeking sponsors and taking applications from people interested in booth space, co-chairman Ray Young said.
