
Free Speech Flap at Occidental

Peer review has been a hallmark of the Occidental College student experience since the early ‘30s. In the current peer review process, students evaluate and make recommendations about student violations of college regulations and policies.

Sanctions in the student peer review system generally begin with education and/or counseling, and, only if those prove unsuccessful, are more serious sanctions given or recommended. The order of magnitude ranges from educational sanctions to expulsion.

Harassment is not condoned at Occidental, just as it is not protected as “free speech” under the First Amendment. Specific words, even though they may be highly offensive or vulgar, are not prohibited at the college. However, we do have a policy that prohibits individuals in our community from threatening, harassing or intimidating others. Language or conduct used to cause a reasonable member of the community to feel physically threatened, intimidated or harassed is not acceptable at Occidental. In the 25 years I have been at Occidental, no student has ever been suspended for verbal abuse alone, and certainly not for uttering a single word.


Last year, Occidental’s faculty, students, and administration debated extensively the question of whether a speech code of some type would be appropriate for this campus. The ideas was firmly rejected as inappropriate to the educational process.

The delicate balance between individual rights and broader societal norms is questioned here as it is elsewhere. Having the debate is healthy and welcome.

BRIGIDA A. KNAUER, Dean of Students, Occidental College
