
Science Page

I am writing to protest the discontinuation of the Science page from The Times. I, and many others, had looked forward to reading that page each Monday. By devoting an entire page each week to science, The Times had effectively portrayed the amazing diversity of interesting and relevant subjects (ranging from astronomy to zoology) being researched by scientists. Since these articles were found on a single page, a person could become broadly informed in just a few minutes. This was a great community service, especially in this era of widespread scientific illiteracy.

I have often referred to articles from the Science page in my biology classes at Cal State Northridge. While I realize that The Times will continue to cover science, a few articles scattered periodically throughout the newspaper will not have the educational value of the weekly Science page. I strongly urge that it be resurrected!

PAULA M. SCHIFFMAN, Assistant Professor of Biology, Cal State Northridge
