
Column on Gender Gap Applauded

I always look forward to reading Dana Parsons’ column. Indeed, I believe, he wrote one if his finest pieces March 15 when he so thoughtfully addressed the gender gap (“Claims Against Doctor Highlight Gap Between the Sexes”).

Quite insightfully Mr. Parsons illustrated how the gap between the sexes takes hold in our lives, citing very early childhood conditioning that deeply ingrains men with a sense of invulnerability and women with a sense of vulnerability.

My heart was lifted by the empathy in Mr. Parsons’ writing and his understanding of the vulnerability all women feel in this world. In fact, I began to feel less vulnerable as a woman as I read his column--perhaps because I sensed a supportive tone in his words and felt I had an unmet friend and ally out there somewhere.


If one man’s printed words can make one female reader feel less vulnerable in our male-dominated society, imagine what many men (united in their support and understanding of women) could do to make this world a kinder, more comfortable place for their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters!

For only when women can finally experience the reality, instead of the myth, of men as their allies and protectors will truth and meaning be rendered to what men have so proudly professed to be down through the ages.

