
Watchdog Group’s Mission Clarified

Upon reading the article about me (“Watchdogs’ Former Head Joins Ferguson,” March 1), I’m afraid that a few points contained in the piece may be misconstrued, and I would like to offer clarification.

First of all, the statement “Accuracy in Academia . . . opposes ‘a progressive ideological orthodoxy’ on college campuses” relies upon a phrase taken out of context from the mission statement. The complete sentence reads “We contend that academic freedom is threatened by a progressive ideological orthodoxy, pervasive in the intellectual community, which degrades professional standards in teaching and scholarship, and inhibits speech and research which contradict orthodox views.”

Second, AIA does not “monitor” women’s studies courses that “indoctrinate” feminism. AIA exposes, through its monthly newspaper, Campus Report, cases of classroom indoctrination brought to its attention by students and instructors.


Finally, Assemblyman Gil Ferguson did not introduce and I did not support “a resolution justifying the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.” Assemblyman Ferguson’s resolution would have resolved that the state and school districts be “urged to adopt a broad range of instructional materials that discuss and reference (the internment and relocation) . . . so as to offer California students an honest, objective and balanced education concerning this period in our history.” It failed, 63 to 4.

LESLIE CARBONE, Newport Beach. Leslie Carbone is chief of staff to Republican Assemblyman Gil Ferguson, who represents the 70th District.
