
Lion Killings Show Man’s Arrogant--and Erroneous--Sense of Entitlement

After reading the article (about the cougars who were killed by a landowner) and seething with so much anger and disgust that I could barely focus on my work today, I believe some questions must be asked and some points made:

Does this (person) know or possibly even care that maybe only 30 of these cats still roam in what is left of their original habitat?

Will the Fish and Game Department’s policy of granting permits to kill cougars (after they have been killed!) result in more such “justifiable” killings? Isn’t this just the legal loophole needed by these throwbacks who have to forever still something big, wild and endangered?


(These) lion killings, condoned and sanctioned by the Department of Fish and Game in Long Beach, are a dark, definitive example of what is wrong with the public’s tax- and fee-supported environmental and wildlife “protection” agencies.

There has to be a better way. First, I’d suggest sending this landowner and his goats back to Europe, where everything that symbolized real wilderness was wiped out ages ago.

Otherwise, under the current, incalculably well-thought-out regulations, this environmental terrorist will be able to kill every last mountain lion in the Santa Ana Mountains while “protecting” his goats, rabbits or whatever else he chooses to “defend.”


