
No Sweat: No Sale for Elvis’ Perspiration

As the public relations representative for the estate of Elvis Presley and Graceland, I would like to point out inaccuracies in your article on El Vez (“Into the Night,” March 16).

Over the 10 years I’ve worked with the estate, the junk the media continues to disseminate about Elvis and Graceland never ceases to amaze me.

We do not and never have sold “vials of purportedly authentic Elvis sweat.” That “product” was yet one more unlicensed item the estate successfully shut down years ago.


Furthermore, our visitors don’t “scream, swoon and throw hotel keys and undergarments.” Well, at least they don’t during their visits to Graceland.

The Presley estate has a sense of humor, but enough is enough. Every day we put up with the likes of the National Enquirer and Geraldo. With all this nonsense going on, I would like to think that at least The Times would be accurate.


Los Angeles
