
Beverly Hills : Sister City Ties Renewed

After nearly three decades, Beverly Hills recently renewed its sister city ties with the Mexican resort city of Acapulco.

In a ceremony re-establishing the relationship, Mayor Vicki Reynolds presented delegates from Acapulco with the city’s flag and other mementos. The Mexican delegation presented Beverly Hills with two books about Mexico, including a cookbook, as well as a promise to name an area of Acapulco “Beverly Hills Plaza.”

Mexican sculptor Pal Kepenyes presented a bronze sculpture to Beverly Hills.

The sister city relationship was renewed at the urging of the nonprofit Beverly Hills-Acapulco Sister Cities Committee headed by Stanley Black and Della Koenig, a city spokesman said. The group is affiliated with Sister Cities International, established in 1956 to promote links between cities around the world.


The tie, which the city also shares with Cannes, France, provides for the exchange of arts and culture, and expertise in health services, environmental science, education, tourism and business with Acapulco.
