
Different Twists on Individualism

Dana Parsons suggests that we should be optimistic about Congressman (Christopher) Cox’s political future because he is not a bellicose boob (“Marching to Right-Wing Beat of a Different Drummer,” May 15). I wonder.

It’s true (Robert K.) Dornan, (William E.) Dannemeyer and (Dana) Rohrabacher are embarrassing and dangerous. But everyone knows exactly what they are. Cox’s sweet words and polite demeanor cover up the fact that he is a slick politician who speaks with forked tongue.

Rep. Cox has masterfully masked his position on women’s reproductive rights in public speeches and in letters to his constituents.


If a representative in Congress is going to reject the common sense values of the people, I want him to at least be up front and honest about it.

So Congressman Cox wants to have a job where he can be effective? I suggest he become a consultant to politicians in the art of deception.


Santa Ana
