
A Tax Loophole

I would like to call your attention to Proposition 154 on the ballot. I suggest that you scan through the arguments for and against the measure in the ballot pamphlet. Then turn to page 21 and read what Proposition 154 will actually do.

It will amend Proposition 13 to allow the Legislature to enact laws allowing low-income purchasers of homes to go into debt for part of their property taxes. You should remember that the government and you don’t necessarily have the same definition for low income.

Proposition 154, in practice, would reduce revenue for government during a time when it is adding taxes in every method it thinks it can get away with.


Consider the home purchasers who avail themselves of this method of going into debt. When they sell their homes, they have to pay off their debt, making it difficult for them to scrape up a down payment for another home.

Proposition 13 is far from perfect, but it is our one tax-limiting law. If we are going to amend it, let’s have the amendment be an improvement.


Garden Grove
