
Soka Offers Overlooked

Rep. Anthony Beilenson recently requested $33 million from the House Appropriations Subcommittee on the Interior.

Beilenson said that the National Parks Service would use the money for a high priority acquisition such as the Soka University site in Calabasas.

The fact is that Soka University is not for sale. Rep. Beilenson, therefore, is tacitly requesting the condemnation of private property. This is an assault on the Fourth Amendment rights of every citizen. There is no consensus for this action in our community.


Soka University has also offered to donate a $20-million park to the National Parks Service, and proposed to deed-restrict 80% of its land, 471 acres, as open space. Why should our government spend millions to condemn private property when it is getting a $20-million park and 471 acres of open space for free?

Obviously, Rep. Beilenson has abandoned the best interest of the taxpayer and the community.


