
Bellflower : City Starts Employment Bank to Link Workers, Jobs

Bell Gardens, which has one of the highest unemployment rates among Southeast-area cities, has started an employment bank to help residents find jobs in nearby businesses and offices.

City officials say they hope that Work Force-Bell Gardens will help to solve one of the city’s most persistent problems by bringing together people who need work with those offering jobs. So far, dozens of residents have participated in the program, hoping to get one of 35 to 40 jobs offered, Assistant City Manager Lawrence Salazar said. Salazar said more jobs will be available through the summer months for students and part-time workers.

Among the jobs being offered are clerk positions in markets and auto supply stores, receptionists at medical and dental offices, and positions in motels and hotels in Bell Gardens. Most of the employers are looking for English-speakers, said Salazar, but the city will be offering sign-up information in Spanish.


People seeking more information can call (310) 806-4500.
