
RAIDERS : Shell Picks Up Pace in Practice, Hoping to Catch Mistakes Early


If the first day of training camp is any indication, Coach Art Shell will be more involved in practice this season than he has been since taking over the Raiders four games into the 1989 season.

Shell was more active during Monday’s two practice sessions, moving from group to group. He even stopped the morning session, delivering a tirade because he felt the players were making too many mistakes.

“I’ll be a little bit more prodding that I have in the past,” Shell said. “I feel now is the time to step in and push them a little more.


“This team understands what needs to be done. . . . I’m going to be a little bit more demanding and get things done the correct way.”

After playing safety for his first four seasons in the NFL, Dan Land is being moved to cornerback.

“The way this game is going with four wide receivers, you need people who can cover guys man to man and Dan has those capabilities,” Shell said.


Greg Skrepenak, the Raiders’ second-round draft pick, is also being used at guard and tackle. Skrepenak played tackle at Michigan.

Shell doesn’t plan to accompany Raider owner Al Davis to Canton, Ohio, on Aug. 1 when Davis will be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

“I’ll be there in spirit,” Shell said. “The Hall of Fame is important, but this is important, too. He’ll have a lot of people there to support him from the organization.”


Former Raider Coach John Madden will present Davis for induction.
